David Hume(@DavidHu20354920) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No taxes? no sewers, or water lines, or roads, rail, or law enforcement, or national defence....your kind deserve Putin.

David Hume(@DavidHu20354920) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Not a mystery why your anti vax VAERS posts do not get the respect you'd like....



David Hume(@DavidHu20354920) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If anyone in my profession behaved at work as you do - calling a colleague a whacko in a public forum - they'd be fired with cause. You're a disgrace.

David Hume(@DavidHu20354920) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wales is considering legal consequences for gov leaders lying to the electorate. We should too. This can't be allowed to continue.

Ministry of Healthy Skepticism(@mbrinkerhoff) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Richard W. Painter David Hume Wouldn’t this be a case of battery vs. a civil rights violation? UC Berkeley could be doing this investigation for show, knowing their past.

David Hume(@DavidHu20354920) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proxenos Briahna Joy Gray I also condemn many acts of Israelis and Palestinians. It's not about sides for me. It's about the rule of law and that no one, whichever side, is above it. How hard is that to agree with?

Tom Marazzo(@TomMarazzo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

David Hume Eva Chipiuk, BSc, LLB, LLM Who is giving Divisive Hyperbole David? It's an educational initiative by a fellow lawyer - not a politician. Its about creating an informed citizen so that they participate in the political process.

David Hume(@DavidHu20354920) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Alberta Fact Checker 🌈 I'm an atheist and looked up Gen 2:7. It doesn't say anthing about 3 breaths. Let's differentiate ourselves from Bible thumping whackos by our honesty.
