🇺🇦 Jassogne(@jassogne) 's Twitter Profile Photo

De mieux en mieux !

Alexander de Croo était au courant que des visas allaient être délivrés aux Iraniens !


Kite & Key Media(@kiteandkeymedia) 's Twitter Profile Photo

78% of Americans think we should encourage high-skilled people to come to the U.S. And in fact, so do 63% of Americans who otherwise want to *limit* immigration. ➡️ youtu.be/ak0x18Xvyck

IMI(@imidaily) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Argentina offers a lighting-fast path to PR and citizenship to those who can maintain themselves in this cheap, fun, but challenging country.


Kutsal Dogan(@dikili) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bu üçüncü 10 yıllık vizesi. Biz benzerini yıllarca ebeveynlere yaptık ama bunu bilmiyorduk. Bilmeyenler vardır, paylaşın. Avantajları:
- Tonla belge gerekmiyor.
- Beklemiyorsunuz.
- Yaş veya başka şartlar tutarsa interview de gerekmiyor.
Renewal şuradan: tr.usembassy.gov/visas/nonimmig…

HeraldWeeklyMagazine(@weekly_herald) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Americans all over are seeking a better way of life, and they are doing this by voting with their feet — along with their household belongings. Find out which U.S. states people are fleeing and moving to.

Evelyn Ackah(@AckahLaw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At Ackah Business Immigration Law, we simplify and accelerate the process of hiring and relocating international talent, freeing up your time, resources, & energy. Contact us at +1 403 452 9515 or [email protected] for your immigration needs!

Olivier Mouton(@Olimout) 's Twitter Profile Photo

La ministre des Affaires étrangères, Hadja Lahbib (MR), est sur le grill de la Chambre, ce mercredi après-midi. Mais la responsabilité semble bien partagée avec le Premier ministre. La Vivaldi en danger ? trends.levif.be/a-la-une/inter…

Hugh Wouldathunkit(@HughThunkIt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The racist Portland Police Bureau has been flagged again for standing out among Oregon LEOs for not understanding the law and lying about the facts. This time it's the city's ombudsman criticizing PPB for discriminating against immigrant crime victims.

Laura L Lenti(@LauraLenti13) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Biden's deputies hide mass fraud in H-1B visas

I found this article on MxM News--a new app without media bias or censorship.


Anuj(@anujchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

''80% of people studying computer science and electrical engineering at the graduate level are international students.''

They forgot to mention that most of these 80% students are from India and moving because of the discrimination.

