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Back of an envelope estimation after researching available data reveals that about a quarter of a million British leavers will be barred from even visiting most EU countries, including Spain, once the EU implements their visa system.

LifeAfterPrison(@MemesKind) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How many of problems are self-inflicted? How many probation problems are caused by incompetent management that has 20+ years in the job so can't get sacked? Any more money spent on a failed service would just be wasted by these people on more bad decisions.

How many of #probation problems are self-inflicted? How many probation problems are caused by incompetent management that has 20+ years in the job so can't get sacked? Any more money spent on a failed service would just be wasted by these people on more bad decisions.
LifeAfterPrison(@MemesKind) 's Twitter Profile Photo

John Podmore It costs taxpayers £50k to lock up a prisoner for 1 year and only £10k to support a released prisoner on benefits for one year. We can't afford to keep locking people up.

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If and workers' pensions were linked to re-offending rates, we'd have a huge improvement on re-offending rates overnight. Re-offending rates go up: pension contributions go down. Re-offending rates go down, pension contributions go up. Incentive to change.

LifeAfterPrison(@MemesKind) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm watching push a small ex-offender support charity out of the picture so HMPPS can take over their project, including infrastructure paid for by the charity, and also take credit for the work being done. It's no wonder why no one wants to work with them.

LifeAfterPrison(@MemesKind) 's Twitter Profile Photo

British prison leavers who have served more than 2 years or have been convicted of specific serious offences should visit the EU between now and the summer of 2025 to get one last look at Europe before forever being banned or having to jump through serious hoops to be allowed in.

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Russell Webster ✍️ HMI Prisons The Prison service is still locked into an archaic system where the whim of each individual prison Governor decides everything about that prison. They can ignore advice, ignore what works well, and just do what they want with zero incentive to adopt positive measures.

LifeAfterPrison(@MemesKind) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1552 Jim Brown S.O.X It *is* a MAPPA thing. MAPPA decides to keep someone at an AP for few weeks, if not months, until their 'risk reduces' to Medium or whatever, and this means they are then eligible for council housing. Risk reduction is accelerated to deal with overcrowding.

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David Shipley I knew actual drug dealers in prison and they all said they get their supply from prison staff. It's common knowledge.

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Victor Umbongo Prison Phoenix Trust HMP Exeter Speaking as an ex-offender who's done a lot of rehabilitation work, I can say that, by far, the most important and impactful rehabilitation work I've done to completely change my life for the better was facilitated by The Phoenix Trust. Absolutely life changing.

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Jason Warr I speak to many Probation staff who say they don't like technology and struggle with simple things like email or they need help to set up a Teams conference. It's hard to imagine where else they could work if they weren't working for Probation.

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The one thing I've learnt from my decade+ involvement with and is that, sadly, bullies always win. Be they staff or other inmates, the culture of dominating vulnerable people is so baked into the system that those who perpetuate bullying always succeed.

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Guy Hamilton-Smith Thats one thing I learned in prison: those who talk the loudest and make the biggest threats are full of hot air. Bullies are in reality fearful themselves. The scary talk is just posturing to compensate for their internal fear.

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poppy plum And yet Norway, and other countries with huge emphasis on rehabilitation and getting results, have a fraction of our reoffending rates. You are defending a failing system with tired old tropes while other countries reap the benefit of lower crime rates.

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Rob Allen Oh, please. The vast majority of drugs are brought into prisons via prison staff. This notion of drones and throw overs is ludicrous. Prison staff earn more selling drugs to prisoners than their HMPPS salaries.

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David Shipley The only thing I can share is that internal stats indicate that over 80% of Approved Premises residents are back in prison within a year of release for a mix of licence violations and reoffending. But can't link to an official data reference so perhaps not much use.

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With so many examples of good practice, there's no longer any excuse for institutions that do nothing but perpetuate the cycle of crime.

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Jim Brown Had a conversation with someone about the complete elimination of Probation. Inmates serve full prison sentences and are supported by charities upon release and monitored by police. Community sentences run by charities and police. Probation currently provides zero benefit.

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Jim Brown The entire Probation system is doing more harm than good. People aren't being supported, they are being assessed and recalled. New lives aren't being built, old lives are continually punished. Probation staff take credit for the work of charities and individual personal growth.

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UNSEEN VICTIMS Sadly, this great idea goes against accepted prison staff attitudes that all prisoners are scum, as are their family, and therefore unworthy of consideration.
